The purpose of this column is to create a better understanding of homosexual problems through the psychiatric viewpoint.

Dear Dr. Baker:

I was introduced to ONE Magazine three copies ago. I like it a lot. I have been out since I was thirteen, and I have had a ball-parties all the time, new people, new places to go. I was quite popular. Now I am nineteen and know everybody in Glendale, Hollywood, Los Angeles, and parts of Montrose.

When I have sex now I don't enjoy It. All my passions are gone. Sex is just plain nothing. I have no immediate friends or close friends, also no straight friends so I don't have to keep up appearances for anybody by going out with girls. Nobody knows I am gay because I don't look it, and I shock most people when I make all the advances. I live by myself and do everything by myself and enjoy it very much. I never go any place with anybody. Sometimes I get lonely. Do I have a problem?

Yours truly, T.O.M

P.S.: I've had three very tragic love affairs when 17, and I am afraid I'll never love again.

Dear T.O.M.:

The story of the homosexual aspects of your life as presented in your letter to me is very similar to many of the life stories I hear in my private practice, and I am sure some of our readers could give accounts of almost like experiences. You are the only one who can say whether or not you have a problem.

You seem to be satiated with the physical aspects of your sex life, even as many heterosexuals are even at 19. You mention three "very tragic"



love affairs at 17. Generally, as one matures, the "tragedies" of the teenage years seem to lose their import-


No, T. O. M., I gather from your letter that you are quite ego-centered and self-sufficient. When you are really aware of a problem of any deep importance in your life you will not have to ask if you have a problem. Sincerely,

Blanche M. Baker, M.D.

Dear Dr. Baker:

I became acquainted with ONE in New York City. I didn't realize there was such a magazine and discovered it very accidentally. Since I have been "Gay" since thirteen I have often wished for such a magazine.